Mental health promotion strategy of the month

Well-being is a strategic priority in the Simcoe County District School Board, and our mental health and well-being department provides monthly strategies to support student and family well-being.

This month’s strategy is Let It Go. This practice helps students focus their attention, calm feelings of anxiety, and manage stress. To practice Let It Go at home, have your child/youth sit comfortably and take a deep breath. Share the following exercise with your child/youth:

  • Use your fingers to gently massage the top of your head
  • Still in massaging motion, bring your fingers to your forehead, eyebrows, temples, around your eyes, cheeks, and jaw
  • If you notice tension anywhere – let it go
  • Finally, massage each of your ears and end by gently pulling your earlobes

Keep in mind to take your time with each area, especially where you hold the most tension.

Practicing Let It Go can be done any time of the day or at regular times, such as at mealtime or before bed. You may try this technique on your hands using a massaging motion to focus on each finger, thumb, and palm. Consider doing Let It Go with your child/youth to model the strategy.  

Visit the links below for Let It Go posters from School Mental Health Ontario:
Elementary -
Secondary -

Find more easy and fun mental health activities to do at home visit:

Follow the mental health and well-being social media accounts (@SCDSB_MHWB) to see how well-being is being supported in our schools.